Editing your movies is where much of the creative fun comes into play. This section covers all of your options.
Positioning Objects in Preview
Use the preview window directly to edit the position of your video objects.
Working with Timeline objects
The timeline is another very important control center for ordering and manipulating video objects.
Transitions serve to ease your objects into and out of your production and help make your videos smooth.
Adding Actions
Actions add motion and energy to your productions to improve interest.
Adding Effects
Effects can help you customize objects to improve the look and feel of presentations.
Using Split
Clip videos into segments to arrange and manipulate them.
Using Freeze
Sometimes you'll want to hold a frame in a video to make annotations or point out things that may not otherwise be obvious. This tool automates the process.
Using Shot
This tool can also be used to freeze frames, but it creates a separate object as a screen shot.
Record your mouse movements live and edit the appearance after the fact.
When you want to treat a set of objects as one item for movement, manipulation and storage, this is the tool to use.